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Effect of a blend of essential oils on the performance of sows and their piglets
K. Spengler, A. Jouve, I. Valcke, A. Janssens Conclusion: feeding an EO blend (Agolin Pig) to...
Agolin Ruminant®, an Essential Oil Blend, Increases Energy-Corrected Milk and Feed Efficiency in a High Component Dairy Herd
Jorge Noricumbo-Saenz, Peter Williams, Hector Garcia [...] This trial was conducted on a large...
Enteric Methane Emissions from Dairy–Beef Steers Supplemented with the Essential Oil Blend Agolin Ruminant
Gemma A. Miller, Jenna M. Bowen, Richard J. Dewhurst, Beatrice Zweifel, Katrin Spengler and...
Modulation of milking performance, methane emissions, and rumen microbiome on dairy cows by dietary supplementation of a blend of essential oils
Alex Bach, Guillermo Elcoso, Miguel Escartín, Katrin Spengler, Arnaud Jouve [...] The results from...
Impact of essential oils on methane emissions, milk yield, and feed efficiency and resulting influence on the carbon footprint of dairy production systems
Franziska Becker, Katrin Spengler, Frank Reinicke, Clara Heider van Diepen The main objective of...
Evaluation of Agolin® Ruminant, an Essential Oil Blend, as a Feed Additive for Cows at Two Levels of Production
Rosalio Brambila, Jorge Noricumbo-Saenz Agolin® Ruminant is a commercially available blend of...
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Agolin SA produce premezclas de aromas para la alimentación animal. Los estudios científicos y las publicaciones sobre nuestros productos no deben interpretarse como afirmaciones. Las normas de uso de los productos se establecen en cada país. Consulte a su distribuidor local de Agolin.